What Does a Kept Woman Mean and How to Get a Kept Woman?
What does a kept woman mean and how to get a kept woman?
Each of us has a different attitude and approach to building perfect relationships. We also understand love and romance differently. While some of us prefer to be independent and rely only on ourselves, other people would rather find a person who can take care of their well-being. Many girls are looking for men for marriage. These “sugar babies” are interested in finding men who can support them in exchange for their love and beauty.
Oddly enough, men very often ask questions about kept women. Do you need a kept woman? What for? How to behave with her? How to choose?
Is it the exact kind of relationship that you are looking for? First, let’s see how you can recognize a kept woman out of many others.
Whom does a kept woman “hunt” for?
Kept women (or sugar babies) are a good option for temporary relationships. Daddies are looking for such women for entertainment. When one meets a kept mistress, a man should be ready to get love-for-money relations.

Sugar babies are what rich men are looking for. However, ordinary men can also get in the trap of such a lady. So, whether you are looking for a relationship with a kept girl or not, you should know how to identify one among others. Consider the following signs:
- Her place of work. If a woman has big demands but works at the simplest job that doesn’t bring her a lot of money, a lady is looking for someone she can rely on. So she plans to live at the expense of a man whom she is dating.
- She is especially interested in your salary. If a woman has increased interest in the availability of an apartment, a car, or other resources – it means that you deal with a kept woman.
- She hangs out in luxurious places. Kept women spend time in places that are full of wealthy men. It includes restaurants, boutiques, business centers, casinos, clubs.
- A kept woman has a significant difference between her income and expenses. In most cases, ladies that spend more than they earn belong to the group of women looking for wealthy daddies.
- Lifestyle. A kept woman (or mistress, lover) has questionable behavior and easy moral principles.
There are surprisingly many men searching for kept women. They are looking not only for girls who don’t want to work and don’t have ambitions but simply need a partner who can keep them. In the modern-day age, we live in a free country where nobody can make you do what you don’t want. Yet, some men interested in getting a kept woman won’t tell you that on the first date. A lot of women won’t respond positively to a man saying that he wants a partner who will quit the job and cater to his needs.
So, what does being a kept woman mean? Let’s see.
What’s it like to be a kept woman?
A kept woman is the one who depends on her man a lot. She relies heavily on the care and upkeep of her man. What are the major characteristics that differ a kept woman from other types of ladies you can meet?

The main signs of the kept woman include:
- Chores are not what she is regularly doing by herself. There are always people doing this job for them. These are house cleaners, people for the laundry, etc. There is always a person who will keep a woman’s space well-maintained instead of her.
- Gifts are never optional. A man always treats a woman to something special on all occasions, including anniversaries and special holidays. If a woman doesn’t receive a gift on a special occasion, she will be very upset.
- When looking for a partner, she prefers status over everything else. Kept women prefer dating well-established older men. In most cases, it’s not about the personal potential of her partner. It’s more about the things he can give to her.
- A kept woman is a person who behaves within certain parameters to be properly “kept” by her man. It’s an illusion of power that she has, though it’s not really hers.
- She is in constant search. With a worried expression on his face close to panic, she is trying to find his sunglasses, panties with strawberries, a belt “with such a” buckle, a mobile phone charger that she just held in her hands, a passport, a piece of paper with important phones, a spotless reputation and his photo in the “Gossip” section of your favorite glossy magazine.
- When you tell a girl that she is beautiful, attractive, sexy, charming in the whole wide world, you take these words with complete seriousness. Everywhere and always feels like a world-class superstar who has visited the county town. She has no strong complexes except megalomania.
- She’s a real sales fan. At the sales, she buys a bunch of different rubbish and neatly stores it at home. But she never remembers what is where. Scummer.
- She dreams of a new car and constantly reminds you of it. With enviable regularity, she submits magazine Autos and Prices to you.
- She knows the price of everything to a penny and constantly calculates everything. For example, she calculates how much money she needs for lipstick, for a hairdresser, manicure and pedicure, for a spa massage monthly. And this small minimum will certainly turn out to be much larger than your maximum.
- She knows all the details from the life of wealthy men. So she feels extremely worried with all her heart for their wives when they file for divorce, trying to sue part of the capital.
- Kept women do not try to do something for you, be it massage, be it kissing, sex (although they can seduce you with sex, but it is cold, automatic), hugging, you will not get praise or a kind word from them (only flattery , when something is needed), they do not give warmth, tenderness, affection and understanding.
Where to find a kept woman?
If you are a daddy looking for a sugar baby, then online dating sites are the way to go for you. There are plenty of such solutions available on the web. However, we want to use reliable and safe services when it comes to love matters.

At VictoriyaClub, you can easily find a woman who meets your search criteria. Using the advanced search, you can easily filter profiles of ladies that meet your expectations. Then, start the acquaintance while sending an email or a message in the chat. You may also invite her for a conversation in a video chat. The staff at VictoriyaClub will provide you with all the needed help when deciding to arrange a meeting with the woman you like. They will also help you buy tickets, find a hotel to stay, send gifts and flowers to the lady, etc.

There are no rules and specific instructions when it comes to love matters. Instead, find a partner with whom you will feel comfortable spending time. While some are looking for strong and independent ladies, others are interested in finding women they can care for. And what about you? What’s your choice?

John MaCallan is a renowned dating expert with over 10 years of experience in the industry. He is known for his practical and insightful advice on all aspects of dating, from online dating profiles to first date etiquette. Whether you’re looking to improve your online dating profile, navigate the world of modern dating, or find your soulmate, John can help.
New world, new rules. It is very difficult to get used to the new standards. Someone already tried to have a kept woman?
I tried to have a kept woman. It’s like a flower that requires constant attention and financial support. I honestly can’t recommend it; it’s better to find another girl.