What to do when you just got dumped by your girlfriend?
Guys often think what to do when you just got dumped by your girlfriend? Should you try to restore the relationship or you just need to move on? but how to do that?
You really feel like you are connected with your girlfriend, and it seems everything is fine between both of you. But suddenly, you receive a message from your beloved saying, “We need to talk.” You start thinking of what could have gone wrong in your relationship. What could have happened since the last time you saw one another. You feel very nervous and anticipate the conversation with your Ex.
Also, you meet for a talk, and you are stitch speechless as she says, “I don’t think we should continue dating.” It’s the thing that you least expected. You feel lost and confused. What should you do next? It’s always hard to recover after breakups. However, some ways will help you better cope with this situation and keep on moving further. That’s exactly what we are going to discuss in this post.
Listen to Your Feelings
Researches show that the human brain copes with rejection similar to the way it processes physical pain. Some need to take some medicine or alcohol to release the pain, while others want to forget about sad feelings and immediately jump into new relationships. It’s up to you to decide what way to choose. Listen to your emotions and follow your heart.

It’s fine to feel sad and grieve about any loss, including a break-up. By giving yourself some time to grieve, you can control your emotions and move further with your life.
Let Yourself Sit with Your Emotions
Your break-up with your ex could have been a bad surprise for you. So, it’s OKAY if you have a feeling like the whole world is against you. Sit with all your emotions and listen to your feelings. If you feel like crying – cry. But at the same time, ensure that you have a second plan that will help you take control of the situation.
Take a deep breath and try to pick yourself up. It’s essential to realize why this particular break-up hurts you so much. Once you understand the reason for your heartbreak, you can understand where your feelings come from. Once you know what you feel and what makes you feel it, you can come up with the actual points of your pain, cope with them, and keep moving further.
Learn How to Forgive when you got dumped
Forgiveness helps you keep moving further. Instead of holding on to resentment for your ex, let go of the past and forgive your former partner for everything that made you feel sad. Also, forgive yourself for the mistakes that you made in your relationships. Please remember that it’s never a failure, always a lesson. We get wiser and more experienced while learning from our mistakes.
Honor the Grieving Process
It’s the recommendation made by a relationship counselor Jesse Johnson, MA, LPC. Here’s what he recommends: “After a relationship ends, it’s important to honor the grieving process, not only in the loss of the relationship but in the loss of any future vision for the relationship. Some people need to grieve an entire life’s vision in this way. It’s a big deal, and honoring the end will help greatly with closure.”
Channel Your Energy Into Something Productive
You feel bad when you break up. If you keep sitting and grieving, it will not result in anything great. Instead, you can channel your anger and frustration into something productive.

For example, you can try a new kind of sport that you felt interesting for a long time. You can also release endorphins and improve your mood while taking up a new hobby.
If you want to be a pilot, find a program you enjoy and research classes. And if you have always wanted to go skydiving, call and commit to a day. If you wanted to start eating healthy and work out every day, do not wait until tomorrow. May the changes happen today.
Go for Online Dating
Creating a profile on online dating websites and communicating with beautiful ladies from other countries is one of the best ways to cure after a break-up. Many online dating websites offer local and international dating opportunities.
Also, you can communicate with ladies in online chats and video chats. You can check their stunning photos and enjoy real-time communication, even when you are miles apart.
You can register on such platforms for fun or to make friends with people from foreign countries. Who knows, maybe your new friendship will end up with a new romance.
Don’t Let a Break-up Impact Your Self-Esteem
Whatever happens in your life and whoever hurts you, know your value, and honor your self-worth. Do not keep in your life a person who doesn’t want to be there. Instead, leave space and the right person will come along. How do you know that you meet the right woman? Release your mind. You will feel it.
Get Rid of Mementos
If you were dating your ex for a long time, you likely have many love letters, photos, and messages that you exchanged with your former partner. And if you decide you leave them, you will only hang on to the past, which is not the best thing you can do when you break up with your girlfriend.
If you decide to keep your mementos, store old photos out of your sight in a non-visible location that you won’t come across daily.
Don’t Text Your Ex when you got dumped
When you separate, you need some time to sort out your feelings and spend some time with your thoughts.

Sending tons of messages to your ex while the wound is fresh is not the best decision that you can take at this moment. Exchanging texts will make things even worse. When you just got dumped by your girlfriend, you are likely to have many things to say to your ex. Most of your messages may be abusive and full of anger. Many of them will be left without an answer. So, keep peace of mind you have to learn how to be okay with where you are right now, so keeping the lines of communication open with your ex may keep you from moving further.
Focus on Positive Emotions
Many negative things and emotions commonly accompany breakups. To keep yourself away from depression, it’s strongly recommended to take care of yourself in whatever form you wish. One of the best ways to recover after a traumatic romantic experience is just being kind to yourself, doing the things you love, and enjoying positive emotions.

Bottom Line
If your girlfriend dumps you, don’t obsess over what you could have done to change the outcome of your relationship. It doesn’t matter when it’s all over. Don’t guilt yourself about the past. Instead, focus on the present day, focus on positive emotions, calm down, have fun with your friends, and do the things you enjoy. It’s time to move on. You may find your second half the moment you least expect it.
Pull the lesson from this unpleasant experience and move further. We hope that the tips we discussed above will help you recover after a break-up and get back on route.
Make sure to also check the article: First Things to Do When You Broke Up with your Girlfriend.

John MaCallan is a renowned dating expert with over 10 years of experience in the industry. He is known for his practical and insightful advice on all aspects of dating, from online dating profiles to first date etiquette. Whether you’re looking to improve your online dating profile, navigate the world of modern dating, or find your soulmate, John can help.